Ongoing projects
Modeling non-random uncertainty in statistical models |
§ Conditional sampling schema for continuous fuzzy numbers [arxiv] [code] |
§ Fuzzy topic models for short texts [code 1] [code 2] [code 3] [code 4] |
Analysing post-sampling uncertainty in social survey data |
§ Decoupling measurement error information by mixing errors |
Selected publications
Research profile:
A novel CFA+EFA model to detect aberrant respondents |
A Bayesian Modeling Approach to Fuzzy Data Analysis |
Post-selection Inference in Multiverse Analysis (PIMA): An Inferential Framework Based on the Sign Flipping Score Test |
Mixture polarization in inter-rater agreement analysis: A Bayesian nonparametric index |
Estimating latent linear correlations from fuzzy frequency tables |
A probabilistic tree model to analyze fuzzy rating data |
Jointly modeling rating responses and times with fuzzy numbers |
A psychometric modeling approach to fuzzy rating data |
Modeling random and non-random decision uncertainty in ratings data |
A State Space Approach to Dynamic Modeling of Mouse-Tracking Data |
A Maximum Entropy Procedure to Solve Likelihood Equations |
Multiple mediation analysis for interval-valued data |
Deriving optimal data-analytic regimes from benchmarking studies |
A dimension reduction technique for two-mode non-convex fuzzy data |
Generalized cross entropy method for analysing the SERVQUAL model |
A fuzzy set theory based computational model to represent the quality of inter-rater agreement |
A generalized maximum entropy (GME) approach for crisp-input/fuzzy-output regression model |
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